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Wheels are blocks in Trailmakers. They are used to make something move better on the ground. Wheels are rounded objects even tho, they have an square hitbox in build mode. Wheels can be un-powered so they will roll freely, or you can link an Engine to them to power them. You can also use wheels above and underwater, but engines wont be able to spin them unless the engine is above water.
*Unless otherwise stated, the HP value displayed is the value after the blocks hidden modifiers, as most blocks share the same 400 base HP.

BIconOn.jpg AIconOff.jpg
BIconSeat.jpg BIconFrame.jpg BIconPropulsion.jpg BIconWheels.jpg BIconMechanical.jpg BIconAero.jpg
BIconWeapons.jpg BIconLift.jpg BIconTubes.jpg BIconBalance.jpg BIconGadgets.jpg BIconLogic.jpg