Frame Blocks

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"Blocks for building the frame of your vehicle."

Frame pieces are the basic building blocks and allow you to create the framework for your creations. There are four main categories: Blocks, Grid Blocks, Flat Connectors, and Shields.
*Unless otherwise stated, the HP value displayed is the value after the blocks hidden modifiers, as most blocks share the same 400 base HP.

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"Basic Building Blocks" - The most basic piece used for building creations. Has studs on all sides

"A metal pole for crafting Grids," The blocks are surprisingly light for being metal. From light testing, appears to be similar durability to normal blocks.

"Flat connection bar" - A lanky piece with only two studs on one side of the connector. Useful when trying to limit connections between blocks, i.e., when turning or other mechanical parts.

"Armor for your vehicle" - Used as defense against projectiles launched from the cannons, Also useful for covering up studs on blocks for a sleeker look.

The Frame section also includes the following blocks: Small Porthole, Large Porthole, Airplane Window, and Mast (High Seas DLC).