Soundmakers Accessories

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Soundmakers are Accessories that produce sounds in Trailmakers.

BIconOff.jpg AIconOn.jpg
AIconExhaust.jpg AIconDetails.jpg AIconLights.jpg AIconFlags.jpg AIconFacial.jpg
AIconBumpers.jpg AIconRims.jpg AIconSound.jpg AIconOrnaments.jpg AIconTrophies.jpg

Usage on Pitch-Adjustable Soundmakers
Info on usage pending

(Very quickly, will change later) A way to get the values is to add or subtract 12 from the base key value, for example: 0 is C, and so is -12, -24, 12 & 24 keep in mind, that the (usual) range is from -24 to 24, so if you get a number outside of that range, that tone won't be available.

Base Values:

  • C 0
  • D 2
  • E 4
  • F 5
  • G 7
  • A 9
  • B 11

Soundmakers that produce a sound, that have an adjustable pitch

Soundmakers that play a predetermined song