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There are several types of ModGameObjects that you can reference.

  • Built-in GameObject - Built-in prefabs from Trailmakers, that we have made available to modders can be spawned.
  • Custom Mesh - You can add custom meshes to your mod, and spawn those inside the game.
  • Trigger - You can spawn Triggers used for checking if things enter/exit a specific area in the world.
  • Players - You can get the ModGameObject of players

Spawning ModGameObject

There are various ways you can spawn objects depending on your need.

Example - Spawning a built-in object

You can get the list of built-in spawnable objects using

local spawn_name = "PFB_BARREL"
local spawn_position = tm.vector3.Create(0,0,0)
local barrel_obj = tm.physics.SpawnObject(spawn_position, spawn_name)

Example - Spawning a custom mesh with a custom texture

Assuming you have added a mesh.obj and texture.png to your mod folder.

local mesh_path = "mesh.obj"
local texture_path = "texture.png"
local mesh_key = "myMesh01"
local texture_key = "myTexture01"
local is_kinematic = True
local mass = 1000
local spawn_position = tm.vector3.Create(0,0,0)

tm.physics.AddMesh(mesh_path, mesh_key)
tm.physics.AddTexture(texture_path, texture_key)
local custom_obj = tm.physics.SpawnCustomObject(spawn_position, mesh_key, texture_key, is_kinematic, 1000) 
Example - Spawning a trigger
local spawn_position = tm.vector3.Create(0,0,0)
local size = 10

local trigger_obj = tm.physics.SpawnBoxTrigger(spawn_position, size)

Despawning ModGameObject

Simple calling the reference to the ModGameObject with Despawn()

local spawn_name = "PFB_BARREL"
local spawn_position = tm.vector3.Create(0,0,0)

local barrelObj = tm.physics.SpawnObject(spawn_position, spawn_name)


Positioning of ModGameObject

ModGameObject has reference to

, meaning you can move, rotate and scale them. Example - Move a ModGameObject above a player

local barrel_obj = tm.physics.SpawnObject(tm.vector3.Create(0,0,0), "PFB_BARREL")
local player_position = tm.players.GetPlayerTransform(0).GetPosition()

barrel_obj.GetTransform().SetPosition(player_position + (tm.vector3.Up() * 2))