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Blueprints are saved built creations in Trailmakers, and are the key way of sharing vehicles.

Blueprints are saved as image files (PNG), with the vehicle data encoded into them, meaning you can send (and preview) the image to anyone and they can load the Blueprint in their own game.


If someone sends you a blueprint, they can be downloaded by:

  1. Save the image to a known location
  2. In Trailmakers go to the Blueprints section
  3. Click the import arrow (depicted as a box with an arrow entering it)
  4. Find the file you saved prior and click "open"


To export your blueprint and send it to someone else to import follow these steps:

  1. Hover over a saved vehicle
  2. Click the white box that appears above it (depicted as a box with an arrow leaving it)
  3. Save to a known location
  4. Send it to someone

See also